Auto Creation Acount On
AutoPlay for Free Acc On
Premium Acc Free 7 Days On
AutoReward for Time On On
Active Community Discord
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Everyone is Welcome

Welcome to join our unique built private server. Our staff is working on server daily to make it the best around. We are happy to see you!


Premium 7 Days

When you start on our server you get 7 days of Premium account, what are you waiting for? Come and have fun!


Events Reward

Our events have donate coin rewards, so you can have the same chances as a donate player just by participating in our events!

Game Version High Five Crafter Mid Rate
EXP x55
Drop x15
Spoil x15
Adena x7
Normal Enchant 50% (+3 to +12)
Blessed Enchant 50% (+3 to +12)
Safe Enchant +3
Max Enchant +12
Max Accounts / PC 3 Accounts


Opening Date: September 13, 2024

Server Rates:

Exp: 55x / Sp: 55x / Adena: 7x / Drop: 15x / Spoil: 15x / Boss: 2x / Quest: 3x

Auto Restart:

Every day at 06:30

Max Level: 85

Class Transfer: Free

Subclass: Free - Max Level 85


NPC Full buffer (ALT+B)

Slots 28+4

Slots Dances / Songs - 12

Buff Time 2 hs


Safe Enchant: +3

Max Enchant: +12

Enchant Chance:

50% Normal Enchants

60% Blessed Enchants

Backup Stones +10% of chance from +4 to +9

+7% Chance Premium Account


Element Stone: 45% chance

Element Crystal: 35% chance


.ach .achievements
.buffshield (anti-buff)
.away .back (stay away / back)
.menu .cfg (Character control panel)
.combine .talisman (Combine Talismans)
.dressme (Visual Armor)
.party .invite .partylist
.offline (off line shop)
.repair (repair character)
.siege (sieges info)
.stats (character status)
.offbuff (Open store buffs)
.autofarm (Open Premium Auto Farm Interface)
.report (Report a suspicious bot player)
.buffshop (Summon a summon to sell your buffs.)
.menu (Panel where the player can turn off or turn on various functions of our server.)
.vote (Opens our vote system.)
.sige (See the siege time or register your clan)
.aa (Exchange your seal stones for AA automatically.)
.pvp (Enter our pvp zone, there you will find many bosses and exclusive prizes.)
.gomagma (Go for a new challenge, kill dragons that invaded our chaos zone)
.oly (Shows all players who are first in the oly ranking.)
.online (See how many players are online right now.)
.stats (See how your resistance and status are.)
.status (See a player's status, he has to be in your target)
.seeres (Look at a player's resistance, he has to be in his target)
.equip (See all of a player's items, they have to be in their target)
.regoly (Register with oly wherever you are.)


Epic Bosses Spawns:

Antharas = 164 hours / 1 hr random

Valakas = 236 hours / 1 hr random

Baium = 124 hours / 1 hr random (max level zone 83)

Queen Ant = 40 hours / 1 hr random (max level zone 43)

Orfen = 52 hours / 1 hr random (max level zone 58)

Core = 52 hours / 1 hr random (max level zone 58)

Baylor = 36 hours / 1 hr random

Sailren = 36 hours / 1 hr random

Beleth = 188 hours / 1 hr random / Min Players Spawn Beleth = 9

Frintezza = Min Players 5 / Max Players 45

Freya HardCore = Min Players 13 / Max Players 45

Freya Easy = Min Players 5 / Max Players 27

Zaken Hard Night (min level 78) = Min Players 9 / Max Players 450

Zaken Hard Day (min level 78) = Min Players 5 / Max Players 27

Zaken Easy (min level 55) = Min Players 5 / Max Players 27

Tiat = Min Players 5 / Max Players 45


3 Window for PC

Party lvl-55/ lvl-85 / 30 Level

Anti-Bot system

Champions System

Wedding System

Sieges / 7 days

TerritoryWar / 7 days

All Clan Penalty = 1 Day

Maximum Ally Size = 1 (to avoid zergs)


18:00 / 23:50

Olympiad period end day 1, 11 and 22

1 register / PC

Minimum reg 4


Original Craft / Drop / Spoil
